7 Simple Hacks To Make Perfectly Poached Eggs

By Shireen Jamooji

Poached eggs are one of those deceptively simple looking dishes that everyone struggles with the first few times.  But the joy of an oozing yolk and a perfectly set white is hard to beat so here are some easy tips to help you nail the process on your first try.

Use Fresh Eggs

Avoid fishing out stringy egg whites from your water. Fresh eggs will hold their shape better during poaching and won't spread out in the water.

Pick A Large Pot

A deep pot will give you more control over the cooking process and prevent the eggs from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Strain Your Egg

Crack the egg into a tea strainer and transfer to a small bowl before adding it to the water. This will help remove any watery whites and give you more control.

One At A Time

Poaching one egg at a time will give you more control over the cooking process and prevent the eggs from sticking together.

Use Hot Water

Bring the water to a simmer before adding the eggs. This will help prevent the eggs from breaking apart.

Add Vinegar

Adding a small amount of vinegar to the water will help the egg whites coagulate and hold their shape.

Create A Vortex

Before adding your egg into the water, stir it a few times to create a vortex and then pour your egg into the centre