7 Reasons You Should Start Your Day With Lemon-Honey Water

By Shireen Jamooji

For most of us, morning beverages tend to mean tea or coffee...or orange juice if you're feeling really out of the box.  But a mixture of warm water, lemon and honey could be exactly what you need to start the day right.

Boosts Immunity

Lemon and honey contain natural antioxidants that help boost immunity and protect the body against infections and diseases.

Better Digestion

Drinking lemon honey water can help improve digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and promoting bowel movements.


Drinking lemon honey water can help keep the body hydrated, which is essential for overall health and wellness.

Better Skin

The antioxidants present in lemon and honey can help improve skin health by reducing inflammation, preventing acne, and promoting a healthy glow.

Improved Mood

Lemon honey water can help improve mood by reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Weight Loss

Lemon honey water can aid in weight loss as it helps in burning fat and boosting metabolism.


Lemon honey water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain.