7 Reasons Why Papaya Leaf Juice Is Beneficial For Health

By Tarishi Shrivastava

September 26, 2024

Papaya leaf juice is popular for its many benefits. Rich in enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants it helps cure many health conditions, especially in boosting immunity and overall wellness. 

Boosts Platelet Count

Papaya leaf juice helps in increasing platelet count so it’s good for dengue fever recovery.

Supports Digestion

Packed with enzymes papain and chymopapain, it helps in breaking down proteins and supports healthy digestion.

Liver Health

This juice is a natural detoxifier, helps in  cleansing liver and it's overall function.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Papaya leaf juice may lower blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity, so it is good for diabetic patients.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Papaya leaf contains compounds that reduces inflammation, relieve joint pain and other inflammatory conditions.

Fights Infections

Rich in vitamins A, C and E, it boosts immunity and fights bacterial and viral infections.

Healthy Skin

Papaya leaf juice is good for the skin, reduces acne, pigmentation and signs of ageing due to its antioxidant content.