7 Reasons Why Jaggery Aids In Weight Loss 

By Deepali Verma

August 31, 2023

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Jaggery, a natural sweetener, offers weight loss benefits due to its low calorie content, nutrient richness, fiber support, and steady energy release, making it a smart alternative for healthier indulgence. 

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Low-Calorie Sweetener 

Jaggery is less calorie-dense compared to refined sugar, making it a better choice for reducing overall calorie intake. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Fiber Content 

It contains dietary fiber that promotes feelings of fullness, curbing overeating and aiding weight management. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Slow Digestion 

Jaggery's complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, leading to gradual release of energy and reduced likelihood of blood sugar spikes and subsequent cravings. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Rich in Nutrients 

It contains vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium that support bodily functions, potentially reducing nutrient-related cravings. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Natural Detoxification 

Jaggery assists in detoxifying the body, helping to eliminate toxins that might hinder weight loss efforts. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Metabolism Boost 

Jaggery's iron content supports better oxygen transportation, helping to enhance metabolism and energy use. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook

Sustained Energy 

The natural sugars in jaggery are released slowly into the bloodstream, providing a steady supply of energy and reducing cravings for high-calorie snacks. 

Image Credit: Somnath Banerjee/facebook