7 Reasons Why Eating Cut Fruits Is Not Good For Health

By Shreya Goswami

Eating a fruit salad or fruit chaat might seem like a good idea to get a bowl full of nutrition, but there are some negative aspects to eating cut fruits that you should know about too. Here are all the reasons why eating cut fruits is a bad idea.

Loss Of Nutrients

Once fruits are cut, they begin to lose their nutritional value, particularly vitamin C and other heat-sensitive nutrients.

Quick Spoilage

Cut fruits have a shorter shelf life compared to whole fruits which is why they can spoil very easily and cause illnesses.

Hygiene Concerns

When fruits are cut, there is an increased risk of contamination from hands, utensils, or cutting surfaces that may not be properly cleaned. 

Bacterial Contamination

Cut fruits are more susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially when they have been sitting exposed to the environment for an extended period.

Waterborne Diseases

During monsoon season, cut fruits can easily get contaminated and cause waterborne diseases.

Oxidation & Browning

Some fruits, like apples, bananas, and avocados, undergo enzymatic browning when exposed to air. This can result in unappealing color changes and changes in flavor.

Mold & Fungal Growth

During monsoon, the moisture in the air and cut fruits and combine to promote fungal growth, which is toxic.