7 Reasons To Start Your Day With Eggs

By Yash Lakhan

October 19th, 2023

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Starting your day with eggs is a nutritious choice. Egg yolks, rich in vitamins B12 and D, as well as choline, energise the body and boost metabolism. They are low in calories, excellent sources of complete protein for muscle growth, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids for heart, eye, and brain health.

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Energises The Body

Important nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin D, and choline, are found in great abundance in the yolk and are crucial for our bodies' ability to convert food into usable energy.

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Increased Metabolism

A meal rich in protein can help speed up metabolism. Egg yolks contain choline, which is crucial for preserving a healthy metabolism. It promotes energy levels, nerve health, and brain health.

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Boosts Good Cholesterol

It's true that eggs increase cholesterol levels. These, however, are referred to as HCL, or good cholesterol. Increased HDL levels aid in reducing a person's risk of heart disease and stroke.

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Improves And Maintains Vision

Large quantities of lutein and zeaxanthin, two beneficial antioxidants that help lower the incidence of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes, can be found in egg yolks.

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Low-Calorie Food

Only 78 calories are in an egg, including the yolk, making them a healthy food choice. 2-4 eggs, which have fewer than 240 calories each, can be included in your morning meal to make it a healthy one.

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Excellent Source Of Protein

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids in adequate levels to facilitate efficient muscle growth, recovery, and maintenance, which is a key benefit of the protein in eggs.

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Rich With Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The family of "essential fats" known as omega-3 fatty acids has specific advantages for your body's cell membranes, including those for your eyes, heart, and brain.

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