7 Reasons To Add More Tomatoes To Your Diet

By Shreya Goswami

Though a fruit, tomatoes are generally eaten like veggies. Whether red, green, small or big, tomatoes are nutrient-dense ingredients that you should eat more of. Here’s why.

Low Calories

Like most fruits and veggies, tomatoes are low in calories and may help in weight loss diets.

High Fibre

Packed with dietary fibres, tomatoes have the capacity to keep your gut clean and healthy.

Skin Boost

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, tomatoes can improve your skin texture and health.

Heart Healthy

Packed with lycopene, ripe tomatoes can clear up blood vessels and boost heart health.

BP Control

Tomatoes are full of potassium, a mineral which helps regulate blood pressure.

Vision Improvement

Tomatoes are full of vitamin A and compounds like lutein that improve vision and maintain eye health.

Cancer Prevention

Studies show that the carotenoids in ripe tomatoes may prevent prostate, lung and stomach cancers.