7 Quick And Easy Hacks To Bake Cookies To Perfection

Smriti Dey

January 3, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Cookies are a favourite snack in everyone's household. Be it chocolate chip cookies or vanilla cookies. Everyone loves cookies according to their preference. They can be healthy, and they can be buttery, however you like. Try these cookies to make your cooking with cookies easier!

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Add Edible Flowers

Want flowers to make it fun? Before adding it to your cookie dough, infuse your sugar with edible dried flowers (like lavender or rose petals). 

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Balsamic Reduction

You can drizzle a balsamic reduction on your cookie dough before baking. It complements flavours like chocolate or berry with a bitter hint.

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Add Cayenne

Love spicy? Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your chocolate cookie dough for a subtle kick.

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Customised  Extracts

Filling adventurous? Create unique extracts by soaking vanilla beans in flavoured spirits like rum, bourbon, or fruit-based liqueurs. 

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Tea-Infused Cookies

Simply grind your favourite tea leaves and add them to your cookie dough. Earl Grey or chai tea leaves work well, giving your cookies a unique and aromatic flavour.

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Sourdough Cookie

Add a small amount of active sourdough starter to your cookie dough for a subtle tangy flavour and enhanced texture. You will not regret this!

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Coconut Oil

Swap out some or all of the butter in your recipe with coconut oil for a hint of coconut flavour and a slightly different texture. Plus, it's healthy too. 

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