7 Protein-Rich Foods For Weight Loss

By Krati Purwar

February 6, 2024

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Weight loss does not mean you give up on food, it means you should prioritise balanced meals. Protein is a huge part of this because it ensures that while you lose weight, you do not lose muscle mass and become weak. Here are a few protein-rich foods that are helpful in weight loss.

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Loaded with protein and essential nutrients, pulses are good for your weight loss journey. They keep you satiated for long and help to curb cravings in between meals.

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Tofu is a plant-based option for vegans trying to control their weight. It is rich in iron and calcium, the two minerals required to strengthen bones and muscles.

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Chicken is among the most enriching sources of protein with low fat. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used to prepare many dishes like a one-pot delicacy and salads.

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For vegans and vegetarians, nuts are rich sources of protein. In Indian cuisine, they are usually added to savoury and sweet dishes, but they can also be consumed raw or roasted.

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Fatty Fish

Many people are advised by nutritionists and trainers to include fatty fish in their diet when they are on their weight loss journey. They can be paired with salads or eaten with avocado toast.

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Eggs are versatile ingredients and good options for you to increase your protein intake. You can make scrambled eggs, egg curry, omelette, or consume with eggs. 

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Yoghurt is a powerhouse of probiotics, calcium, and protein. It is ideal to consume during breakfast to improve your digestive health and give a boost to your immunity.

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