7 Protein-Rich Fillings To Add Nutrition To Your Sandwiches

By Heta Joshi

February 15, 2024

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A sandwich is one of the most popular foods as it’s easy to whip up and serves as a fulfilling snack option. You can also transform your sandwiches into nutritious meals by supplementing them with protein-rich fillings. Let’s explore.

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Egg Bhurji

Give your sandwich a Desi twist by infusing it with a flavourful egg bhurji filling. Eggs are rich sources of protein and vital minerals; they boost overall health and well-being.

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Grilled Chicken

One serving of grilled chicken comprises nearly 25 grams of protein, making it an extremely protein-rich food. A grilled chicken sandwich also makes for a hearty and wholesome meal.

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Being plant-based, tofu is a good source of protein for vegan people. Prepare an appetising sandwich filling by combining tofu with nourishing veggies, such as tomatoes and bell peppers.

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Smoked Salmon

As a fatty fish, salmon holds large reserves of lean protein. The fish’s inherently gooey and succulent texture also makes for a tasty sandwich filling option.

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Tomato And Cheese

Cheese and tomato form a classic sandwich combination. While cheese is protein-packed, tomato is rich in essential nutrients, minerals, and amino acids, creating a delicious and nutritious sandwich filling.

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Mushrooms are protein-rich foods, with every quarter cup holding 21 grams of protein. Chop and season the mushroom with spices and sauces to craft a healthy and delectable sandwich.

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Hummus And Veggies

Hummus is a creamy spread that is made out of chickpeas, which are powerful sources of protein. Add salads and veggies to your hummus sandwich and enjoy a hearty meal.

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