By Risha Ganguly
These nuts have the highest calcium content and is also full of Vitamin E and fibre. They also improve gut health and help control cholesterol.
Rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium, macadamia nuts are very useful in controlling cholesterol despite having high fat content.
Who has not enjoyed a glass of hazelnut coffee and now you have one more reason - they are very rich in Vitamin E and minerals.
Enjoy kaju katli? Go eat one because cashews have many health benefits including controlling blood pressure and blood lipid levels!
These nuts, rather, seeds are helpful in anti-ageing process and keeping your skin healthy. They are a wonderful addition to your salads too!
All of our parents have fed us walnuts saying it will sharpen our memories. Besides, it improves gut health and is potentially helpful against cancer.
One of the lowest calorie and fat containing nuts, pistachios are very often used in desserts and bakery items due to its unique colour.