7 Mistakes To Avoid While Making Sugar Syrup

By Krati Purwar

February 9, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Making sugar syrup at home is not a hefty task, but a few little mistakes can ruin the easiest recipes of all. Here are a few common goof-ups that people often make while making sugar syrup. Take note so that you do not repeat the same mistake.

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Do Not Let Syrup Boil

Boiling sugar syrup is the biggest mistake that people make. If you lose too much water, the sugar won’t be able to dissolve.

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Clean Sugar Off Sides

If you can see sugar crystals stuck on the sides of the pan, you should try to clean them off and dissolve them. A single undissolved crystal can leave a large lump. 

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Sterilise Container

The container in which you are about to store the sugar syrup should be sterilised. You can dip it in hot water, keep it aside, and dry it. This process will prevent the re-crystallisation of syrup.

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Not Stirring

You have to continuously stir the syrup until it is ready to be stored. If the syrup splashes on the sides, it will lose moisture content and lead to re-crystallisation.

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Overheating Syrup

You should be careful of overheating the sugar syrup. While heat is necessary, too much of it can burn the syrup or add a bitter flavour to it.

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Choose Right Sugar

To make a perfect batch of sugar syrup, use white granulated sugar because if you pick powdered sugar, it will only increase the risks of re-crystallisation.

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Measurement Is The Key

To make sugar syrup for versatile use, add water and sugar in an equal ratio. If the proportion of ingredients is not right, you will not achieve a perfect sugary concoction.

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