7 Lesser-Known Culinary Uses of Carrot Peels

By Aanchal Mathur

Carrot peels have about 30% more fibre. If you throw away the carrot peels after peeling, stop right away and start using them in these healthful ways.

Vegetable Stock

Carrot peels can be used as a nutritious stock by simply boiling them with salt and using the stock to make soups, curries, or rice.


High in fibre, carrot peel chips can be seasoned with herbs and spices before baking or air-frying to produce crispy and healthy chips.


Add in carrot peels to your usual pesto recipe of basil, pine nuts, olives, and parmesan besides walnut and pistachio.


Make a soup by blending the peel with some soaked almonds and cooking in coconut milk. Spiced it with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. 


Garnish your risottos, sandwiches, and wraps with carrot peels and lend a juicy flavor. You can air-fry it to add a little crunch. 

Carrot Peel Candied

Simply soak the peels in sugar syrup, bake at 200°F for 30 to 60 minutes, and dry at 100°F. Your healthy and delicious carrot peel candies are ready!


Sun-dry the carrot peel before grinding into a powder, and use it in soups, curries, and even salads.