7 Interesting Ways To Include Cinnamon In Your Diet

By Krati Purwar

August 7, 2024

Cinnamon is a whole spice often used in curries to infuse earthy notes and a sweet taste. It is considered good for your oral hygiene as well. However, apart from gravies, here is how you can add it to your diet.


When making soup of any kind, add cinnamon sticks to the broth. It will; be more flavourful. You can also top the soup or stew with a pinch of cinnamon powder on top.


Cinnamon sticks and powder can be an amazing ingredient among others for a dessert. It will infuse the dish with an irresistible aroma.


You can add cinnamon sticks to your cup of tea. You can make cinnamon tea and enjoy the calming nature of it. 

Rice Dishes

From biryani to steamed rice, add cinnamon sticks to boiling water before folding in the soaked rice. This will make the grains fragrant and improve the dining experience.


Much like tea, you can add cinnamon to coffee as well. Before you brew the coffee, add ground cinnamon to it. This aromatic twist makes for a cosy experience.


You must have already heard of cinnamon toast. On buttered toast, add a bit of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon powder. This warming treat pairs well with tea or coffee.

Cinnamon Chips

Cut leftover tortillas into wedges, add sugar and cinnamon powder on the top, and bake the pieces until crispy. These delights will be cherished by the children in the family.