7 Ingredients To Make Your Salads Protein-Rich

By Ujjainee Roy

November 4th, 2023

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Eating salads is not enough if you don't keep tabs on the nutrients you need. If you're looking for salads that are rich in proteins, make these additions to your salads to make sure you're consuming just enough proteins

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Chickpeas work best in non-meaty summer salads that have a tropical dressing like balsamic or honey. You can also add a savoury sauce

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Black Beans

Black beans are a rich source of proteins and antioxidants; besides Mexican salads, you can also add them in your cold chicken salads

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A small scoop of tuna can add a whole lot of protein to your salad; you can also use canned tuna for this

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Almonds & Walnuts

If you're making a pesto salad, you can easily add in some nuts, especially walnuts, almonds and apricots which are rich in nutrients

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If you're going for a savoury salad with cooked veggies, add in some quinoa and some chilli seasoning for some added flavour

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Adding some sliced turkey to your veggie salads is a great way to make sure you consume enough proteins without adding on calories

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Tofu goes with almost any kind of salad. if you're using Asian seasoning in your salad, tofu can easily replace your meat

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