7 Homemade Drinks To Boost Iron Levels

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 24th, 2023

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Iron is an essential nutrient for your overall health. Its vital function is to ensure the proper functioning of haemoglobin. Iron deficiency is commonly known as anemia. It can lead to symptoms like low energy levels, tiredness, poor concentration and pale skin. Adding enough iron-rich foods to your diet is one of the best ways to ensure healthy iron levels in the body. Here are 7 homemade drinks to boost iron levels.

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Prune Juice

Plum in dried form is known as prune. It is also available in the form of juice. Prune juice is loaded with several essential nutrients including iron. It is often recommended to prevent and control iron deficiency

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Pomegranate And Date Smoothie

Pomegranate is a great source of iron as well as vitamin C. Dates are also loaded with iron. Therefore, combining these two iron sources can be a good idea.

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Spinach And Pineapple Smoothie

Spinach is a great iron source which can be combined with pineapple. Adding pineapple will enhance the vitamin C content of the smoothie as well as the taste.

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Green Juice

Green juice can also help you boost iron levels in the body. Lemon, parsley, pear, spinach and celery are some common ingredients of green juice that might help you deal with iron deficiency.

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Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is high in numerous essential nutrients like folate, manganese, potassium, iron, betaine, and vitamin C. Additionally, it improves the oxygen uptake in red blood cells and improves hemoglobin levels.

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Manathakkali Juice

Black Nightshade greens also known as Ganika soppu or kashi soppu has a whopping 20 mg of iron per 100 g. It is inexpensive and locally available and not many are aware of its high iron content.

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Mint Juice

Mint leaves have a surprisingly high amount of iron with 100 g of mint leaves containing 15.6 mg of iron. Adding 1 cup of fresh mint everyday will give you 4 mg of iron.

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