7 High Fibre Vegetables To Add In Your Diet

By Nikita Toppo

October 10, 2023

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Fibre is an essential nutrient that is beneficial for our digestive system, managing weight, controlling blood sugar, and keeping the heart healthy. Here are seven fibre-rich vegetables you must include in your diet:

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This root vegetable is rich in vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium, beta-carotene, and fibre.

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Along with fibre, this bright red vegetable contains many vital nutrients like folate, iron, potassium, manganese, and copper.

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Broccoli is a type of cruciferous vegetable that is dense with plenty of nutrients along with antioxidants and fibre.

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This nutritious vegetable contains a good amount of fibre along with vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, protein, iron, manganese, and antioxidants.

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Cauliflower is low in carbs and high in fibre, making it a perfect addition to your weight-loss diet.

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Turnips are low in calories and carbs, along with being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre.

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This leafy green is called a superfood because of its excellent nutrition profile. It is high in vitamins and minerals along with fibre.

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