7 High-Fibre Foods You Should Consume Regularly

By Heta Joshi

February 27, 2024

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that boasts a series of health benefits, including aiding digestion, lowering cholesterol, and helping weight management. Therefore, it’s vital to consume fibre-rich foods daily. Here’s a list of such foods.


In addition to be fibre-rich, avocados are also rich sources of healthy fats and essential nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium.


A popular breakfast item, oats comprise high levels of fibre as well as powerful vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost overall fitness and well-being.


This root vegetable can be savoured raw or cooked; apart from fibre, it is loaded with vitamin B6, which supports the smooth functioning of the nervous and the immune systems.


A nutritious green vegetable, broccoli contains high levels of fibre as well as important antioxidants that are believed to lower the threat of chronic diseases like cancer.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are legumes that hold 12.2 grams of fibre for a single cooked cup; they also hold vast stores of proteins and vitamins.


A type of cereal, quinoa is abundant in fibre as well as proteins and minerals, including iron and potassium that promote blood health and aid bone growth respectively.


Besides being potent sources of fibre, almonds are also teeming with heathy fats and minerals, such as magnesium and manganese that boost overall health.