7 Healthy Vegetable Thecha Options You Can Try At Home

By Ujjainee Roy

February 18, 2024

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Thecha is a  spicy condiment which is made with vegetables. This Maharashtrian dish is traditionally made with green chilies, garlic, and spices. It adds a fiery kick to meals and is packed with flavour. You can try to make some thecha at home with some other veggies. Let's explore.

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Green Thecha

Blend together fresh green chilies, garlic cloves, coriander leaves, a pinch of salt, and a squeeze of lemon juice. This version is vibrant in colour and rich in antioxidants from the green chilies and coriander leaves.

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Tomato Thecha

Roast tomatoes until they are slightly charred. Blend the roasted tomatoes with green chilies, garlic, salt, and a dash of cumin powder. This thecha variation adds a tangy twist and provides a dose of lycopene from the tomatoes.

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Carrot Thecha

Grate carrots and lightly sauté them with minced green chilies and garlic until they are tender. Add a sprinkle of salt and blend everything together. Carrot thecha offers a unique sweetness along with the heat from the chilies.

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Beetroot Thecha

Boil or roast beetroot until tender. Blend the cooked beetroot with green chilies, garlic, a splash of vinegar or lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. This version adds earthiness and vibrant colour, to a simple thecha.

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Spinach Thecha

Blanch spinach leaves and squeeze out excess water. Blend the blanched spinach with green chilies, garlic, salt, and a squeeze of lime juice. Spinach thecha provides a dose of iron and other essential nutrients along with the heat from the chilies.

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Capsicum Thecha

Roast or grill capsicum until charred and tender. Blend the roasted capsicum with green chilies, garlic, salt, and a touch of olive oil. Capsicum thecha offers a smoky flavor and is rich in vitamin C.

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Coconut Thecha

Dry roast grated coconut until golden brown. Blend the roasted coconut with green chilies, garlic, salt, and a splash of tamarind juice. Coconut thecha adds a nutty flavour and pairs well with a variety of dishes.

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