7 Health Reasons To Eat More Watermelons This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

Watermelons are in season and there are more reasons to indulge in the fruit than just its sweet taste. Here are some ways eating more watermelons can benefit your health.

Superb Hydration

Watermelons are packed with water and can help your body stay hydrated during peak summer months.

Heart Health

Watermelon contains compounds like lycopene and citruline, which can keep the heart healthy.


Packed with many compounds like vitamin C and lycopene, watermelon can fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

Pain Relief

The compound called citruline in watermelon can improve muscle activity and prevent muscle soreness.

Skin Health

Full of vitamins A and C, watermelons help the body produce collagen, which improves skin health.

Easily Digestible

Watermelon contains lots of water and dietary fibre which are easy to digest even when you have an upset stomach.

Anti-Cancer Benefits

Watermelons are packed with lycopene and cucurbitacin, which may help prevent cancer.