7 Health Benefits Of Eating Pomelo This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

Also known as Chakotara, Gagra Nimbu and Batapi Lebu across Indian states, pomelo is a delicious summer fruit with plenty of benefits to offer. Here are some you should know about.

Hydrating Fruit

Packed with plenty of water, pomelo is a very hydrating summer fruit to have. It works raw, in salads and juice forms.

Vitamin Central

Pomelo is super-packed with vitamin C, which can improve everything from your immunity to skin health.

Weight Loss

Low in calories but extremely nutrient dense, pomelo can help with a summertime weight loss diet.


Rich in antioxidants like naringenin and lycopene, pomelo works wonders against inflammation in the body.

Vision Health

Packed with vitamin A and carotenoids, pomelo can improve eye health and keep eye infections and diseases away.

Aids Digestion

Chock full of plenty of fibres and water, pomelo can aid digestion and improve bowl movements during summer.

Heart Friendly

By improving antioxidant content in the body, pomelo can regulate cholesterol levels and keep the heart healthy.