7 Health Benefits Of Eating Kharbuja This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

Call it kharbuja or cantaloupe, but this fruit is a must have this summer and not just for its sweet taste. Here are all the benefits you can gain by eating cantaloupe.

Hydrating Fruit

Packed with plenty of water and electrolytes, a bowl of cantaloupe can keep dehydration and heatstroke at bay.

Immune Boost

Cantaloupe is chock full of beta carotenes, vitamin A and vitamin C, making this fruit a great immunity booster.

Vision Aid

Packed with beta carotenes and vitamin A, eating cantaloupe can benefit your eye health and prevent macular degeneration.

Digestion Help

Cantaloupe not only packs plenty of dietary fibre but also lots of folate, which helps keep the digestive system in order.

BP Control

Cantaloupe has plenty of potassium and other minerals that help regulate blood pressure levels in the body.

Skin Health

Packed with double the amount of vitamin C than other fruits, cantaloupe is great for your skin and hair health.

Asthma Prevention

Rich in antioxidants and choline, eating cantaloupe can reduce inflammation and the risk of asthma as well as lung diseases.