7 Health Benefits Of Consuming Soaked Almonds In The Morning

By Krati Purwar

August 5, 2024

One of the common morning rituals that Indian mothers swear by is feeding their children soaked almonds while rushing them to school. It is one of the healthiest and subtly sweetest delights to have first thing after you wake up. Note its health benefits.

Good For Digestion

When you consume soaked almonds, they release lipase which is known to work on fatty food and improve digestion. It is your remedy for constipation as well.

Keeps Heart Healthy

Since soaked almonds are a great source of potassium, they are good for your heart and known to reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits Skin & Hair

Having soaked almonds in the morning will contribute to the lustre and texture of your skin. It can prevent premature ageing and hair fall.

Aids Weight Management

Soaked almonds in the morning keep you full and provide the necessary nutrition. It helps you curb mid-morning cravings and help with weight management.

Boost Brain Function

Soaked almonds are rich in L-carnitine which is associated with boosting the health of your brain. It is perfect for children and adults.

Good For Diabetic Patients

If you are struggling with diabetes, eating soaked almonds can help you regulate blood sugar levels. 

Lowers Cholesterol

Soaked almonds contain monounsaturated fats which increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol. It supports overall health.