7 Health Benefits Of Adding Radish To Your Daily Diet

By Nikita Toppo

October 17th, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Radish is a root vegetable that has a spicy, pungent, and zesty flavour along with a crisp and crunchy texture.  It can be consumed in salads, parathas, curry, chutney, sambar, poriyal, soup, pickles, and so on. Here are seven reasons to include radish in your daily diet.

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Supports Digestion

Packed with fibre, this vegetable can prevent acid reflux, constipation, irritable bowel movements, and other digestive disorders.

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Lowers Risk Of Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, then this vegetable is a great addition to your diet.

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Improves Skin

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient to maintain healthy skin, and radish is blessed abundantly with this antioxidant.

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Lowers Blood Pressure

Radish contains a decent amount of potassium, which is known for managing diabetes.

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Boosts Immunity

Radish is loaded with vitamin C, which not only improves skin health but also boosts immunity.

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Weight Loss

Radishes have a high content of fibre and water, which makes them perfect for adding to your weight-loss diet.

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Good For The Heart

Radish is high in vitamin C and minerals like calcium and potassium, which regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

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