7 Hacks To Use Sugar As A Taste Corrector 

By Smriti Dey

January 30, 2024

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Sugar is a very important ingredient when it comes to cooking. Even with spicy meals, sugar is incorporated to have a balanced flavour. Try out these seven hacks with sugar as a taste corrector. 

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Balance Acidity In Sauces

You can add sugar in a tomato-based sauce or a vinaigrette if it is too acidic. 

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Bitterness In Coffee

A small amount of sugar can help counteract the bitterness in coffee. You can even try sugar in black coffee to adjust bitterness.

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Savoury Dishes

Sugar is used in savoury dishes to enhance flavours, especially in recipes with tomatoes, onions, or garlic. 

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Tame Spicy Foods

Sugar can help tame the heat when a dish is overly spicy. It is a brilliant hack without making your dish sweet. 

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Mask The Taste Of Medications

Traditional medication soup or kadha has an unpleasant taste; a small amount of sugar can help mask the bitterness. It makes it drinkable in one go!

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Improve Homemade Sauces And Dressings

Sugar can enhance the flavour profile when making homemade sauces or dressings. Your sauce should be according to your liking!

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Canned Vegetables

Do you know? Overcooked or canned vegetables can sometimes lose their natural sweetness. Adding a pinch of sugar while cooking helps brilliantly.

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