7 Hacks To Make Perfect Cinnamon Bun

By Smriti Dey

January 21, 2024

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Making perfect cinnamon buns requires attention to detail and clever hacks to achieve that soft, gooey, and perfect result. Here are seven hacks to help you make the perfect cinnamon buns.

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Dough Consistency

Ensure your dough is soft, elastic, and slightly tacky to the touch. The perfect dough is the perfect base for the best buns. 

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Proper Rolling Technique

Try to roll out the dough evenly to a consistent thickness. Aim for a rectangle shape to ensure even layers of filling. 

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Even Filling Distribution

When spreading the cinnamon sugar filling, make sure it's well spread. This ensures that every bite has the same flavour.

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Quality Cinnamon

Use high-quality ground cinnamon for the filling. The freshness and quality of the cinnamon highly impact the flavour of the buns. 

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Softened Butter For Filling

Softened butter spreads evenly, and it helps create a moist and gooey centre in the cinnamon buns.

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Proper Cutting Technique

You need to use a sharp knife or dental floss for clean cuts. It makes your buns look aesthetic.

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Rise And Rest Time

Allow the shaped cinnamon buns to rise correctly. This ensures that they are light and fluffy. 

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