7 Hacks For The Perfect Monsoon Masala Chai 

By Shireen Jamooji 

Nothing beats the comforting aroma and rich flavour of a perfectly brewed cup of masala chai. Elevate your chai game with these quick hacks

Fresh Spices

 Grind cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon in small batches for the freshest flavour punch.

Strong Tea

 Opt for Assam or Darjeeling tea leaves for a robust base that can withstand the spices.

Slow Simmer

Allow the tea and spices to simmer gently on low heat to infuse the flavours without bitterness.

Milk Choices

Use whole milk or a combination of milk and water for a creamy texture and luxurious mouthfeel.


Find your ideal sweetness by adding jaggery or honey, adjusting to taste.


Grate fresh ginger for a zingy kick or use ginger powder for convenience and consistent flavour.

Finishing Touches

Strain the chai through a fine mesh sieve or muslin cloth to achieve a smooth and refined texture.