7 Foods You Should Avoid During Meal-Prepping

By Ujjainee Roy

March 12, 2024

Do you know certain foods are not suitable for meal prepping? Some fruits, veggies and cooked foods don't retain their freshness and may lose shape if stored for more than a couple of days. Let's look at the foods you should avoid during meal prepping.

Leafy Veggies

Items like lettuce, spinach, and other delicate greens can wilt quickly once they're cut or washed. They're best added fresh right before eating to maintain their crispness and nutrients.

Crunchy Vegetables

Vegetables like cucumbers, bell peppers, and radishes can lose their crunchiness over time when chopped and stored in the fridge. If you want to include them in your meal prep, consider keeping them whole or slicing them just before eating.

Fried Foods

Fried foods tend to lose their crispiness when stored in the fridge and can become soggy. Opt for baked or grilled alternatives for meal prep to maintain texture. Try to avoid fried veggies as well.

Dairy-Based Sauces And Dressings

Creamy sauces and dressings can separate or become watery when stored for too long, affecting their texture and flavor. Consider storing them separately and adding them to your meals just before serving.

Soft Fruits

Fruits like bananas, peaches, and berries can become mushy when stored for an extended period. If you want to include them in your meal prep, consider adding them fresh right before eating or opt for sturdier fruits like apples or citrus.


Potatoes can become grainy or discolored when cooked and stored for too long. If you plan to include potatoes in your meal prep, consider cooking them just before eating or opt for alternatives like sweet potatoes, which tend to hold up better.

Fragile Grains

Some grains, like quinoa or couscous, can become mushy or clumpy when cooked ahead of time and stored. Consider cooking them just before serving for the best texture.