7 Foods To Reduce Body Heat Naturally

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 14th, 2023

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Body heat can be seasonal and is caused both by internal and external factors. It could be due to the climate or dehydration. The food we eat plays a major role in stimulating our body heat. It is very important to understand the symptoms of increased body which include burning sensation in the eyes, ulcers, indigestion, constipation, sleeplessness, acidity. Here are 7 foods that help handle body heat!

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With essential probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, it keeps our body cool even in extreme heat. Drinking buttermilk daily or maybe twice a day can help to cool down your body.

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Coconut Water

It balances the temperature-generating electrolytes naturally. You can drink the water and apply the left-out malai on your face, to give a cooling effect to your face.

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The water contained in watermelon is as high as 92%, which will help prevent dehydration and keep the body cool. If consumed regularly, it can help control your body heat.

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It contains 95% water and is loaded with fiber, which can help relieve constipation due to body heat.

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Shocking, isn't it? Capsaicin is the active ingredient found in chili peppers. When consumed, it sends a message to the brain indicating that your body is overheating and sweating more than usual, thereby producing a cooling effect. Interesting isn’t it!

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Mint neutralizes the heating effect of the body. It provides a wonderful cooling effect. Adding mint to curd, buttermilk, or lemon water can bring you more benefits. You can also make mint chutney, which is one of the best chutneys in all Indian households.

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Aloe Vera

It is a natural cooling agent and reduces body heat internally and externally. Mix the aloe vera gel extract with the cucumber or mint and blend it to form a smooth mixture. Drink it and feel the coolness running inside your body.

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