7 Foods To Avoid When You Have High Uric Acid Levels

By Nikita Toppo

July 26, 2023

Uric acid is essential for the body, but its excessive levels can lead to various problems like kidney stones and gout. So, here are seven foods you must avoid to control their level in the body.

Red Meat

They contain high amount of purines that increase the production of uric acid.


Seafoods like shrimp, crabs and lobster promote the production of uric acid in the body.


Alcoholic beverages must be completely avoided to control the uric acid levels.

Sugary Drinks

As sugary drinks are loaded with fructose, their consumption can raise the uric acid in the body.

Yeast-Based Foods

Foods like beer, bread and baked foods are also known for increasing uric acid in the body.

Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats and sugar that raises the production of uric acid.


Excessive consumption of coffee is also responsible for increasing uric acid in the body.