7 Foods to Avoid During Menstruation

By Nikita Toppo

Menstruation cycle may not be comfortable for many , hence certain food items should surely be avoided to reduce the discomfort.


Products containing caffeine can cause dehydration which worsen menstrual pain and cramps.


Products containing caffeine can cause dehydration which worsen menstrual pain and cramps.

Processed Foods

One should avoid processed food during menstruation as it can cause constipation. 

High Fat Food

High fat food affects hormonal activities in body and should be avoided.

Dairy Products

They contain tremendous amount of arachidonic acid and increase the risk of cramps.

Fried Food

With high amounts of trans-fat fried food cause discomfort and mood changes.

Red Meat

Red meat contains acids that make the prostate glands very active and increases the pain.