7 Food You Must Avoid If You Have Cold

By Krati Purwar

August 12, 2024

Rain brings a cold and a cough with it. The sudden change in weather throughout the day and unclean surroundings affect your immunity and you become more vulnerable to a viral attack. If you have a cold, stay away from these foods.

Fried Food

You might have a cold but your immune system is fighting it. Fried food can add to digestive discomfort and worsen your condition.


A cup of hot coffee once a day might be acceptable but overdoing it can leave you dehydrated which is not what you want.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are known to worsen congestion, therefore, you must avoid them. Especially curd because it cools the body.

Spicy Food

Spicy food might help you with congestion but it can leave your throat irritated and scratchy. In some cases, it can affect your bowels too.

Sugary Foods

If you consume sugary foods while suffering from cough and cold, they will suppress your immune system and increase inflammation.

Processed Foods

Processed foods contain high amounts of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. This can affect your immune system adversely and prolong recovery.

Cold Drinks

No matter when you get a cold, you must immediately do away with cold food items and beverages. It can also worsen sore throat and congestion.