7 Food Items You Must Keep Your Pets Away From

By Krati Purwar

August 10, 2024

Whether you have a dog or cat, certain foods are not good for animals. They might be safe for human consumption but not for pets as they can severely hamper their digestive system and leave them sick.


Among dogs, grapes or raisins can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, you should keep them away from these.

Onion & Garlic

While humans can’t do without onion and garlic, animals should not be fed these. It can cause health issues among cats, dogs, and bunnies.


Alcohol in no amount is good for animals. Unlike humans, animals can’t handle the toxins. It can damage their liver.


Nuts, especially macadamia nuts, are not considered good for many animals. It can lead to weakness, lethargy, joint pain, and other issues.


Caffeine, coffee, and tea are a big no-no for pets. These beverages can get them breathing rapidly with palpitations and muscle tremors.


Not every pet animal can digest dairy. For example, bunnies should not be given any dairy-related food items. It can cause diarrhoea.

Fried Snacks

Fried food should also not be given to pets. Oil can affect the pancreas and too much salt can lead to ion poisoning.