7 Food Items You Must Avoid In Monsoon

By Krati Purwar

June 26, 2024

Monsoon though irrigates the lands and washes cities also contaminates a lot of vegetation and brings humidity as its companion. Therefore, you need to be wary of the kind of food you eat. Here are certain food items that you must avoid in the rainy season.

Carbonated Drinks

There is no good time to drink carbonated drinks. Humidity and sweating can lead to dehydration and carbonated drinks can make your digestive system weak.


In monsoon, curd can be harmful because it offers coolness to the body. With changing weather, drastic changes in your body’s temperature can make you sick.

Fried Foods

While fried foods are quite popular in monsoons, excessive consumption can lead to digestive ailments, especially if you buy them from the market.

Leafy Greens

In the rainy season, the water clogs the surface, contaminating produce like spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and other leafy greens. Hence, you must avoid them. 


Much like greens, mushrooms also grow near the surface and can have bacterial growth that increases the risk of infection and foodborne diseases.


Bacteria and pathogens in water can contaminate seafood during monsoon. Moreover, this is the breeding season for many species making them harmful for your consumption.

Raw Food

Eating raw food during the monsoon can make you vulnerable to catching viral and bacterial infections. Therefore, you must eat cooked food.