7 Food Items That Astronauts Carry To Space With Them

By Krati Purwar

August 11, 2024

When astronauts fly in an aircraft, they are sent to space with everything they might need to sustain life, including food. However, the way astronauts eat differs from what people eat on the earth. Here are some foods that space travellers carry with them.

Energy Bars

When you are flying in an aircraft, you need to keep up with the energy. Energy bars are not only easy to consume but offer a sudden boost of energy.

Canned Meals

Unlike the Earth, space does not have gravity so one cannot cook. Therefore, astronauts carry canned meals with them that can satisfy their hunger.

Dehydrated Food

Much like the Earth, the body needs nutrition in space. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are dehydrated and packed with space travellers.

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich sources of nutrition and energy. They are packed with space cadets so that they can consume these quickly without going hungry.

Bread & Tortillas

Among the fresh foods, bread and tortillas are also packed. However, the amount of tortillas is more than bread because they do not leave behind crumbs.


Astronauts also carry spices with them so that they can top the rather bland food and make it flavoursome. It also helps them modify the meal as per their taste buds.

Fresh Food

If the period of stay in space is small, astronauts might carry fresh produce as well with them. The amount is limited to avoid wastage.