7 Expert Tips To Master The Art Of Cooking Millets 

By Vidushi Singh 

Discover the secrets to cooking millets like a culinary expert! Follow these 7 tips for rinsing, soaking, toasting, and flavoring, and elevate your millet dishes.

1. Rinse The Millets

Before cooking, rinse the millets under running water to remove dirt which eliminate any bitter taste and improves the overall texture.

2. Soak Millets

Soaking millets for a few hours or overnight can help soften them and reduce the cooking time.

3. Use the Right Water-to-Millet Ratio

Millets require different water-to-millet ratios, so it's essential to follow the instructions on the package or recipe.

4. Toast Or Dry Roast Millets

Take a pan and fry roast until golden brown. Dry toasting the millets before cooking can enhance their nutty flavor.

5. Flavour With Spices And Herbs

Millets are versatile and can be infused with various flavors. Add spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, or herbs for extra taste.

6. Cook On Low Heat

Millets require gentle and slow cooking. When cooking, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the millets simmer.

7. Fluff With A Fork

When millets are cooked, fluff the millets with a fork to separate the grains and ensure even texture, make them light.