7 Effective Tips To Know If Your Food Is Adulterated

By Krati Purwar

May 27, 2024

With rampant news around unhygienic and adulterated food items, it is crucial that you know how to identify if the food item you are purchasing is fresh. A few tips can help you make the right decision and ensure your health remains good in this scorching heat.

Test Taste

If you are out there buying food products like paneer, taste a pinch of it. If it is tangy and tastes funny, you must refrain from purchasing it.

Check Sediments

If you have recently bought spices, add a few pinches of water. If the chilli powder is of high quality, it will leave no sediments at the bottom, but an adulterated pack will.

Observe Colour

The colours of fruits and vegetables say a lot about their freshness. Whether a mango has green patches or boasts a yellow hue will help you know if it contains chemicals.

Check Packaging

If you have purchased a genuine product, you will see labels, expiry dates, and other information printed on the packaging.

Dissolve In Water

If you have recently purchased sugar, add it to water. If it dissolves and the water turns white, the batch contains chalk powder.

Check Texture

The texture of food also says a lot about its freshness. For example, milk should be smooth, but honey must be thick and consistent.

Check Artificial Sweeteners

It is crucial to check artificial sweeteners in milk-based products. For example, add khoya to water along with a few drops of iodine. If the water turns blue, it contains starch.