By Heta Joshi
February 22, 2024
Image Credit: Unsplash
Taro root is a vegetable renowned for various health benefits, including aiding digestion and regulating blood sugar levels. Here are some tips to incorporate this food into your diet to enable you to reap its benefits.
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Prepare a nourishing snack by thinly slicing taro root and baking it in an oven. This serves as a guilt-free alternative to fried potato chips.
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Taro fries can be prepared the same way as classic French fries. Sprinkle condiments like cilantro and coriander on this healthy version of the dish to elevate its taste.
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Add a healthy twist to pancakes by garnishing them with taro root shavings. The nutty flavour of taro seamlessly complements the sweetness of the pancakes.
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Craft a nutritious beverage with three simple ingredients: taro root, tapioca pearls, and jasmine tea. This frothy drink is one of the more creative ways to consume taro.
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Taro can effortlessly be infused in traditional Indian gravies and curries, including soups and stews. Savour the healthy dish with a piece of flatbread, rice, or even by itself.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Taro powder can be used to make taro ice cream as well as other taro-based desserts to give them a nutritious touch. Garnish the desserts with toppings for added flavour.
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Inspired by mashed potatoes, infuse taro root with cheese and milk to prepare an enriching taro mash. Add condiments like pepper to enhance the flavour of the mash.
Image Credit: Unsplash