By Nikita Toppo
Feeling dehydrated after your workout. Replenish yourself with these drinks.
Drinking water throughout your workout helps replace the water you're losing by sweating.
Electrolyte-infused water boosts your kidney functions and helps to ward off mild-dehydration issues.
Pedialyte is a hydration formula containing the key electrolytes like potassium and chloride that restores your electrolyte balance.
Packed with electrolyte, this drink is high in sugar that helps the body to absorb electrolytes more efficiently.
With ingredients like lemon, sea salt, sugar and mineral water, you can whip up your own electrolyte-infused drink.
Watermelon contains 92% of water along with vitamins and electrolytes which is also helpful in fighting against dehydration.
This natural drink is rich in electrolytes, natural glucose and fructose.