7 Do’s And Don’ts Of Grilling Meat

By Krati Purwar

February 23, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Grilling meat is one of the most prominent ways of cooking it. The process requires time, patience, and a few techniques to present a lip-smacking meat-based dish. If you will be grilling meat at your next party, here are a few seven do’s and don’ts that you must note.

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Don’t Grill Frozen Meat

You should avoid grilling meat straight from the fridge, irrespective of its variety. Meat won’t cook through and through, leaving you with an unflavoured and raw taste.

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Do Use Tongs

The more you use sharp tools to toss and turn the meat, the drier it will be. Hence, always use tongs and turners for the process to ensure the meat remains in one piece.

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Don’t Choose Wrong Grilling Method

Instead of using gas, use charcoal to grill the meat. Not only adds a rich flavour, but the smokey texture and crispy outer layer will make the dish more delicious.

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Do Avoid Cross Contamination

During grilling, you must avoid cross-contamination of raw meat. Use different sauce brushes, tongs, and plates if you are planning to grill a variety of meat.

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Don’t Slice Meat Before Resting It

Wait before you slice the meat after grilling. It will soon lose the aroma and juiciness. Therefore, allow the meat to rest before you dig into it.

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Do Use Thermometer

When you want to check that the meat is done, you keep on slicing and poking it. Instead, use a thermometer to check the temperature and confirm if it is cooked.

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Don’t Crowd The Grill

No matter how much space your grill has, you must avoid crowding it because you will end up hampering the grilling process.

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