By Heta Joshi
March 22, 2024
Endowed with cooling and hydrating properties, cucumbers are quintessential summer vegetables. They are also quite versatile, finding application in a range of culinary creations, such as salads, smoothies, and more. Check out a few easy ways to add cucumbers to your daily diet this summer.
Slice cucumbers and mix them with vegetables, including carrots and zucchini, to enjoy a crispy salad dish. Garnish the salad with mint for added flavour.
Blend cucumber with yoghurt, herbs, lemon juice, salt, honey, and olive oil to craft an enticing soup dish. Refrigerate the soup overnight and relish it chilled.
Whisk chilled yoghurt and blend it with chopped cucumbers, green chillies, coriander, mint, and pepper. Savour the raita with masala rice or spicy curries.
A British delicacy is to butter two slices of crustless white bread and stuff them with cucumbers. Pair these crunchy sandwiches with tea, just like the Brits!
Chop cucumbers into thin, round slices, and pop them in an oven or an air fryer for baking. These chips serve as light and tasty evening snacks.
Blend chopped cucumbers with fruits, such as apples, to form cucumber juice. Add a splash of lemon juice and water for added taste.
Pour a creamy cucumber smoothie into moulds attached to popsicle sticks. Savour the frozen treats after chilling them for approximately 5 hours.