7 Cooking Tips To Make The Best Of Autumn Season

By Shreya Goswami

September 25, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Autumn is the season of festivities, but it is also the time when season changes can cause havoc on your health. Here are some cooking tips that will help you maintain the best of both health and flavour.

Use Seasonal Produce

Use plenty of fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits, ranging from pumpkins and sweet potatoes to carrots and peas.

Focus On Simplicity

Since autumn also coincides with festivals that call for rich feasts, you should keep the rest of your diet simple and nutritious.

Embrace Soups & Stews

As the nights get colder in autumn, this is the perfect time to indulge in soups, broths and stews that offer warmth.

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Get Roasting

From pumpkins, carrots to chicken and turkey, this is the season to dig into caramelized and savoury roasts.

Spice It Up

Add plenty of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to your curries and stews to add nutrition and flavour to food.

Make Jams & More

While summer is the season to pickle, autumn is the time to preserve fruity and other flavours through jams, preserves and jellies.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Highlight Your Health

Focus on building your immunity through nutritious and healthy comfort foods to keep seasonal infections at bay.