7 Big Health Punches Tiny Sesame Seeds Deliver

By Shreya Goswami

They may be tiny, nutty in taste and usually come in white and black colours, but sesame seeds are quite the superfoods. Here are all the benefits you can gain by eating more sesame seeds.

Aids Digestion

Sesame seeds are packed with fibre and can help improve bowel movements and digestion.

Lowers Cholesterol

Studies show that sesame seeds help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

Reduces BP

Rich in magnesium, sesame seeds can help lower blood pressure levels in those with hypertension.

Powers Bones

Packed with calcium, oxalates and phytates, sesame seeds can keep bones grow stronger.

Boosts Immunity

Protein- and antioxidant-packed, sesame seeds can give your immunity a boost while fighting infections.

Improves Haemoglobin

Chock full of iron, copper and vitamin B6, sesame seeds can improve blood cell formation.

Helps Thyroid Function

Sesame seeds are packed with selenium, a mineral that helps regulate the thyroid hormones.