7 Benefits Of Consuming Rock Salt While Fasting During Navratri

By Krati Purwar

September 30, 2024

During Navratri fasting, Hindus switch from table salt to either rock salt or black salt. It is not just a switch just because they are fasting but due to the immense health benefits of rock salt. Here is why you should add it to your diet.


Rock salt, as the name suggests, contains several kinds of minerals like zinc, iron, copper, and iodine.

Aids Digestion

Since most of the food prepared during Navratri is deep-fried, rock salt ensures easy and hassle-free digestion.

Weight Loss

Rock salt has been proven to reduce sugar cravings. Thus, it can help you be watchful of your diet if you are trying to lose weight.

Loaded With Electrolytes

Rock salt is known to maintain pH levels in the body and restore electrolytes. It can help to reduce muscle cramps and pain.

Sore Throat

If you are suffering from a sore throat and wish to enjoy Navratri to the fullest, gargle with rock salt. It can offer some relief.

Boosts Immunity

Since rock salt contains minerals and many other nutrients, it boosts immunity. It is also associated with preventing allergies.

Regulates Sleep

Rock salt is believed to regulate the levels of melatonin in the body. It can help you fight insomnia and improve sleep patterns.