7 Benefits Of Adding Mace To Your Dishes 

By Nikita Toppo

February 29, 2024

Commonly known as javitri, mace is a staple Asian spice used to add flavour to stews, soups, curries as well as herbal teas. Here are seven benefits of adding it to your food. 

Boosts Digestive Health

Mace can stimulate the digestive system and may help alleviate symptoms like constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating.

Rich In Antioxidants

Mace is a good source of antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases including heart disease. 

Relieves Inflammation

Mace contains compounds which have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain and swelling in joints.  

Improves Dental Health

This spice exhibits antibacterial properties that can help fight against harmful oral bacteria and reduce the risk of cavities and bad breath.

Promotes Blood Circulation

Mace has the ability to boost blood circulation and keep your skin and hair healthy.  

Aids Weight Loss

Mace may help with weight management by promoting feelings of satiety and reducing food intake. 

Cold And Cough 

Mace has the potential to protect the body from flu and viral diseases such as cold and cough.