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7 Benefits Of Adding Grapes To Your Diet

By Bhavana Verma

January 28, 2024

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Despite being available throughout the year, grape's essential benefits shine as a winter fruit. Packed with various nutrients and antioxidants, grapes are beneficial in winter in many ways. Check out these health benefits of including grapes in your winter diet.

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Rich In Nutrients

In just one cup of grapes, you get a great number of calories, vitamins, minerals and fibres which are essential for growth and eye health.

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Filled With Antioxidants

Grapes contain a high amount of antioxidants which repair cell damage caused by free radicals.

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Manages Blood Sugar Level

The compounds in grapes aid in insulin response and make it a good fruit for managing blood sugar levels.

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May Help Skin And Hairs

Resveratrol in grapes benefits skin and hair by boosting collagen, protecting from UV damage, aiding wound healing, and potentially promoting hair growth.

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May Slow Signs Of Aging

In several studies, the resveratrol in grapes is linked with calorie restriction effects and reducing oxidative stress which promotes a longer lifespan.

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May Protect Against Fungi And Bacteria

Numerous substances found in grapes may be effective in preventing dangerous fungus and bacteria.

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Easy To Add To Diet

Grapes create a citrus addition to salads and smoothies. Its versatility makes it a flavourful ingredient for many dishes.

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