7 Benefits Of Adding Badam Pisin To Summer Diet

By Krati Purwar

March 18, 2024

Badam pisin is almond raisin or almond gum which is extracted from the sap of an almond tree. It finds its usage in traditional medicine but can also be added to the diet, especially in the summer season. Here are its potential benefits that will convince you to eat it in summer 2024 to beat the heat.

Hydrates Body

As you brace up for summer 2024, you should also look for ingredients that are hydrating. Badam pisin has electrolytes and can replenish fluids in the body.

Detoxifies Body

Badam pisin is known as a natural detoxifier that can eliminate impurities from the body by aiding the removal of waste and supporting liver function.

Supports Bones

The ingredient is rich in magnesium and calcium which help to support bones. Regular consumption can help to avoid many diseases and reduce joint pain.

Relieves Stress

Badam pisin is found to have calming properties that can help to reduce anxiety and stress. It can improve your mood and help you deal with mental health issues.

Manages Weight

This unique ingredient can keep you satiated for long and reduce cravings. Thus, adding it to your diet can help you watch your weight.

Improves Skin

Badam pisin can be extremely beneficial for your skin by soothing inflammation, irritation, and sunburn marks. It can promote a natural glow if you consume it regularly.

Cooling Properties

In summer 2024, you must add badam pisin to your diet because of its cooling properties. It can lower your body temperature and help you avoid health ailments.