7 Basic Spices You Need In Your Kitchen  

By Shireen Jamooji

Spices are the foundation of flavour and there are a few that nobody can do without.  If you're setting up a new kitchen or just clearing the clutter, here are 7 you need to hang on to.

Black Pepper

The consummate companion to salt. Pepper adds a unique balance of flavour and mild heat that works in every cuisine.


Earthy and fragrant, cumin can change the entire flavour profile of a dish but when used effectively is a huge asset


Bring the heat with chilli! You can choose between different types depending on your tolerance and the level of pungency you like.


If hugs had a flavour it would be cinnamon. Warm and comforting, this spice works just as well in savoury dishes as it does in sweet ones. 

Bay Leaves

A divisive herb for sure, many people aren't convinced on the bay leaf's powers, but when you miss it out, you're sure to miss its aromatic slightly spiced flavour.