7 Authentic Indian Teas You Can Enjoy On A Rainy Day

By Garima Johar

June 24, 2024

Drinking a hot cup of chai when you hear the pitter-patter on your window pane is a monsoon essential. This season, why don’t you try the many types of Indian teas popular across the country?

Masala Chai

Masala chai is one of the most popular teas relished nationwide. It is typically made with tea leaves, ginger,  cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon.

Kashmiri Kahwa

Originating from Kashmir, this kahwa made with green tea, saffron, and cinnamon is perfect for monsoon.

Assam Tea

This black tea comes from Assam Valley which features strong flavours. You can also add milk and sugar for a richer cup of tea.

Darjeeling Tea

Darjeeling tea, also known as the champagne of teas, is a lighter tea which has subtle notes.

Adrak Chai

Be it for a sore throat or generally on a rainy day, adrak chai (ginger tea) is perfect for the season.

Irani Chai

Irani chai is a strong and milky tea that is served across Irani cafes, especially in Mumbai.

Butter Tea (Po Cha)

Butter tea, or po cha, comes from higher altitudes in India and is made with black tea, butter, salt, and spices.