6 Yummy Foods That Are Actually Healthy Too!

By Shireen Jamooji

Bland and boring food doesn't have to be the only way to life a healthy life.  Here are some unexpectedly healthy foods to add to your diet.


It doesn't count when eaten as fries unfortunately but when boiled or steamed they're packed with fat burning carbohydrates. 

Red Wine

An occasional glass of red wine  helps raise good cholesterol (HDL) levels and prevent blood clots and plaque formation in arteries.


Contrary to popular belief, pasta won't make you fat, it's what you put on it that does. It's essentially a grain and low in fat and salt with plenty of fibre.


Although it feels like all snack food is bad, popcorn is actually loaded with fibre, vitamin B, manganese, magnesium, as well as antioxidants. Just don't pour too much butter on top!


There's been a lot of controversy around eggs and whether they're really good for you. But with a full range of B vitamins and protein. Plus vitamin D and selenium, we think they're doing just fine.